                         by Johnny Cache



   -using xinetd
   -using inetd
   -using the standalone server
   -/etc/services entry
   -Installation of the source package
Howto use it


openGL lib, libmosix
.....you do not really need inetd or xinetd
because now you can also run the mosstatd-daemon
as a regular server-process.


The 3dmon-package contains a server (the mosstatd daemon) which has to be installed on one node which belongs to your openMosix cluster. It will be started automatically by a xinetd-service or has to be started manually by its init-script as a standalone server process.

The 3d-view "3dmosmon" connects to that server and gets the data for the 3d-display.
You can run 3dmosmon (the 3d-view) also on a non-openMosix node
(from outside your cluster)
The 3dmosmon binary needs therefor the servername as a commandline-parameter e.g.

3dmosmon [servers_hostname]

Anyways the automatic setup-procedure will install both (mosstatd + 3dmosmon) on the system and you could simply execute:

3dmosmon localhost

after successfull installation. (both binaries will be installed in /usr/bin)

Using mosstatd with xinetd

If you system is using xinetd you need to configure the following xinetd-service by creating the file /etc/xinetd.d/mosstatd with the following content:

service mosstatd
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = nobody
log_on_success += USERID
log_on_failure += USERID
server = /usr/bin/mosstatd

It will be automatically performed when you choose to use xinetd during the installation.

Using mosstatd with inetd

If you system is using inetd you need the following line in your /etc/inetd.conf -file for providing the mosstatd-service to the 3dmosmon GUI.

# mosstatd service for 3dmon
mosstatd    stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/bin/mosstatd

It will be automatically performed when you choose to use inetd during the installation.

using mosstatd as a stand-alone server

If you are neither using xinetd nor inetd you can also choose to install the mosstatd-daemon as a standalone server (during installation).
Then the installation will create an init-script for the mosstatd-server. You can easy start/stop it with:

/etc/init.d/mosstatd [start/stop/status]

You can also link it to runlevel e.g. 3 or 5 to start it permanently during boot-up of the system.

/etc/services entry for the mosstatd server

For using the 3dmosmon your system needs to know on which TCP-port the mosstatd-daemon is running. For that reason there is an entry in the /etc/services -file required.
This following line will be automatic added to your /etc/services if you use the automatic installation by the setup-script or the RPM-installation.

mosstatd     10050/tcp     #openMosix/Mosix stat daemon

To install from the source-tarball:

-download 3dmon.tar.gz and unzip/untar it in /usr/local
-cd into the 3dmon directory


-download the 3dmon.rpm
rpm -ihv 3dmon.rpm

How to use it

Set your DISPLAY variable correct and execute:

3dmosmon localhost

You should now see a nice 3d-view. The right-mouse button which will "enter the flying" mode. You can now move around by pressing the control keys:

w for up
s for down
a for left
d for right

or your mouse buttons:

left button move on
middle button move back
right button toggle "flying"-mode (centers the view and spin it)

By default 3dmosmon display the load of the nodes in your cluster.

pressing 'm' shows a memory-overview
pressing 'u' shows a util-overview
pressing 'l' shows the load-view again

have fun + fly into your openMosix cluster

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds; openMosix is developed by Moshe Bar, All rights and copyright on openMosix reserved by Moshe Bar (moshe@openMosix.org); MOSIX is developed by Prof. Amnon Barak, All rights and Copyright on MOSIX reserved by amnon at cs.huji.ac.il; the 3dmosmon is developed by Johnny Cache. all other registered trademarks are owned by their owners